 here is an ACCURATE scale to use when mapping, very useful


This helpful scale will help you to determine actual size of objects, walls, doors, players, etc for use in WorldCraft. This tutorial is more of a reference, but we don't have a reference section, so this is where we stuck it.


Click for a larger view

Now below, you will see an image of the info_player_start entity in the WorldCraft editor. Each player in the game will be 72 units tall, regardless of how tall or short your model or custom models appear. A minimum of 72 units in height is required for the player to move through without having to duck, basically normal walking or running.

Size does matter !
Using simple math, you can figure out how large everything you create will be
relative to the size of your player. After all, accurately designing your map or
prefabs to fit in scale with your player is the ultimate goal for any mapper.

Use this table below, it will help you with your World Crafting.

Player Height In Game 72 Units or 72 Inches which equals 6 feet
Player Width In Game 32 Units or 32 Inches which equals roughly 2 feet 7 inches
Each Block In WorldCraft 16 Units or 16 Inches which equals roughly 1 foot 3 inches
128 Unit Wall Textures 128 Units or 128 Inches which equals roughly 10 feet 7 inches
256 Unit Wall Textures 256 Units or 256 Inches which equals roughly 21 feet 3 inches
96 Unit Door Textures 96 Units or 96 Inches which equals 8 feet
Max Step Height 18 Units or 18 Inches which equals 1 foot 6 inches
Max Vertical Jump 45 Units or 45 Inches which equals 3 feet 9 inches
Max Vertical Jump w/ Crouch 63 Units or 63 Inches which equals 5 feet 3 inches
Max Horizontal Jump
(varies with Classes in TFC)
242 Units or 242 Inches (NOT VERIFIED)
Max Horizontal Jump w/ Crouch
(varies with Classes in TFC)
250 Units or 250 Inches (NOT VERIFIED)
Max Horiztonal Jump w/ Jump Pack
(varies with Classes in TFC)
390 Units or 390 Inches (NOT VERIFIED)

That's all we have for this tutorial, if you have anything to add to this tutorial or have a question on anything about the tutorial, you can email TFCmaster at:    tfcmaster@tfcmaster.net